The passing of the elves

viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2007

No, usted no tiene 2 vidas, usted tiene múltiples vidas, y unas pasan, otras acaban, otras vuelven, otras le amargan, otras le endulzan, y otras le dejan un familiar sabor agridulce.


This is Norway... maybe not.

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2007

Ací tenim part del que he escrit aqusta nit al diari. No solc publicar ací res del que escric allí, de fet no solc escriure ací res des de la meua persona, com estic fent ara, i si ho faig és dissimuladament. Però avui m’abellix fer pública la meva opinió. Se que sembla una extrema idealització, però volia fer-ho així. De fet he elegit aquestos paragrafs intencionadament. Açò és Norway.

Welcommen til Norge. Si! Aci estic... desde Noruega, a les 4 del mati...llegint el diari, no estudiant...hi ha coses que mai canvien I MAI CANVIARAN. Es un motiu per a que t’alegres.
Norway és increíble, el clima, la gent, l’idioma...vull viure aci. I viuré. No em cansaria mai. Interesting people in wonderful places. Another life to experiment with. No vull tornar a ser la que era (de vegades si, la melancholia es clava a tots els racons de cada ser huma o no humà, es una de les seues principals qualitats, ens fa voler allo que no volem i estimar tot allo que ja no tenim...o si tenim, és tan trista i meravellosa alhora...)
En fin...a mas ver, a fer noruego, a no dormir...a dormir de dia, a no veure la llum del sol, a ser una autentica vampira a un pais de vampirs.
TUSEN takk, a tots els amics d’espanya, en especial Sofia que m’aguanta totes les paranoies i Jonatan que me les aguanta encara més. A Daniel, a Rokas, a l'home desconegut i a Alex, per ferme reviure (i per suposat viure) emocions i sentiments. A mama yoko, al yonki simpatico, al Fantoft Klubb, a la birra del rema 1000 i el vi manufacturat. Al Scotschman, Garage i Inside (i les seves grandioses birres robades), a tot aquell que ens envia o ens porta ron. A la pluja, al sol (quan surt) i a la neu. A la lluna quan es veu. Als columpios (que faria sense ells), al safari i al bus. Gràcies al fish market i als carrers que m’han permés pasetjar per ells. Als venedors que m’han atés en anglés. Al professor d’aculturació, per acceptarme el paper. A la dona que em va vendre els altaveus i les tarjetes de telèfon. Als que tocaren en la Jam session aquell dia. A cada noruego que em creue pel carrer i em sembla que em creue un angel. I a aquells no tan angelicals. Als que organitzen festes en el primer (sobretot al meu dj preferit...beatles i muse), a qui m’entén quan dic ja i takk (que és l'unic que m'atrevisc a dir). A la professora de noruego. Gràcies als pastels, a Grieg i a Mozart. I a Rachmaninoff. Al portàtil, als de Outlet i a Lestat. Sobretot gracies a la familia i en especial ma mare que m’envia mil paquets. A tots aquells que m'han trobat a faltar. Gracies Bergen...per mostrarme el camí, per mostrarme qui soc jo, I sobretot...qui puc ser. Loneliness means at last I am whole. No hi ha res millor que la vida, que esta vida. Que l’altra vida... disfruta cada instant sense limit, perque no hi ha. El limit el poses tu. Ara aixo m’ha quedat més que clar...poder, llibertat, grandesa. Això m’ha mostrat Bergen. No hi ha por...sí hi ha, però no pot haverla. No cap, en aquest mon. Every little thing. Here, there, and everywhere. No importa qué passe...sempre hi haura bellesa, sempre hi haura novetat. Sempre hi haura llibertat. I per si no sempre la hi ha, disfrutala intensament. Jeg elsker deg. Jeg elsker Bergen. Jeg elsker Norge. Actually...jeg er norsk. Tusen takk.

P.S: And the Oscar goes to...



Als das Kind Kind war...

martes, 13 de noviembre de 2007

When the child was a child, it was the time of these questions. Why am I me, and why not you? Why am I here, and why not there? When did time begin, and where does space end? Isn't life under the sun just a dream? Isn't what I see, hear, and smell just the mirage of a world before the world? Does evil actually exist, and are there people who are really evil? How can it be that I, who am I, wasn't before I was, and that sometime I, the one I am, no longer will be the one I am?

Germany has crumbled into as many small states as there are individuals. But one can only enter each state with a password…Fortunately, no one is currently in a position to do this. So... everyone migrates, and waves his one-man-state flag in all earthly directions.

It's time to get serious.... I was often alone, but I never lived alone. When I was with someone I was often happy. But I also felt it's all a matter of chance. These people are my parents, but it could have been others. Why was that brown-eyed boy my brother, and not the green-eyed boy on the opposite platform? The taxi driver's daughter was my friend, but I could just as well have embraced a horse's head. I was with a man. I was in love. But I could just as well have left him there, and continued on with the stranger who came toward us.... Look at me, or don't. Give me your hand, or don't. No, don't give me your hand, and look the other way.... I think there's a new moon tonight. No night is more peaceful. No blood will be shed in the whole city.... I never toyed with anyone. And yet, I never opened my eyes and thought: 'This is it.'... It's finally getting serious. So I've grown older. Was I the only one who wasn't serious? Is it our times that are not serious? I was never lonely. Neither when I was alone, nor with others. I would have liked to be alone at last. Loneliness means at last I am whole. Now I can say it because today I am finally lonely. No more coincidence.... The new moon of decision. I don't know if destiny exists, but decision does exist. Decide. Now we are the times. Not only the whole city, but the whole world is taking part in our decision. We two are more than just two. We personify something. We are sitting in the People's Plaza, and the whole plaza is filled with people, who all wish for what we wish for. We are deciding everyone's game. I am ready. Now it's your turn. You're holding the game in your hand. Now or never. You need me. You will need me. There's no greater story than ours. That of man and woman. It will be a story of giants. Invisible, transposable. A story of new ancestors. Look. My eyes. They are the picture of necessity, of the future of everyone on the plaza. Last night I dreamt of a stranger. Of my man. Only with him could I be lonely. Open up to him. Completely open, completely for him. Welcome him completely into myself. Surround him with the labyrinth of shared happiness. I know it is you.

-Der Himmel Über Berlin-


The golden moment

domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2007

You will never be L....

P.S. We are not good friends... f.y. xD
